HR & Payroll Services Provider in Belgium

HR Payroll Outsourcing Belgium

Le Cheminant International is ideally suited to help you set up your business in Belgium through it’s partner Belgium Management Support. BMS is a medium sized accounting office founded in 2021, and is partly owned by Le Cheminant International. It has branches in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. The company currently has 9 clients who represent 22 employees on assignment.

With expert help from Belgium Management Support you can have staff in Belgium without setting up a branch or subsidiary. Alternatively you can close your branch but continue to have employees in Belgium.

Setting up your business in Belgium made simple

Our experienced staff specialise in:

  • Staff recruitment

  • Company payroll, expatriate management, & “split payrolls”

  • Audit and tax advisory services

  • HR advice and documentation

  • Legal advice on complex & changing Belgian labour legislation

  • Employer of Record services (EOR/PEO)

HR Outsourcing Belgium

Belgium Director Angelica de Vrij

Mission statement

“Our goal is to provide a high-end service at a very reasonable price.

To summarise the differences with traditional PEO companies and Belgium Management Support, at BMS We do have direct and regular contact with the employees under our payroll.

This ensures a high quality of employment, and provides peace of mind to employees and clients alike."

Belgium Management Support HR & Payroll Outsourcing Services

 Audit and Tax Advice, Company Payroll

Le Cheminant International has a Belgian partner firm providing accounting and payroll services. It is a medium sized firm with a head office just outside Brussels, and has branches in Czechia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland and Slovakia, It provides a more personal service than the large “Bureaux Sociaux” in Belgium. The Le Cheminant International management have worked with this firm for close on 20 years. The firm can cover foreign clients that have registered just as an employer in Belgium, which is often a very fast and economical way to arrange employment in Belgium.

Employer of Record services (EOR/PEO)

Le Cheminant International provides Employer of Record services through its partner Belgium Management Support, (BMS), a medium sized employment company founded in 2021, partly owned by John Tinsley the head of Le Cheminant International. The company currently has 9 clients with 22 employees employed by BMS. With expert help from Belgium Management Support you can have staff in Belgium without setting up a branch or subsidiary. Alternatively you can close your branch but continue to have employees in Belgium.

Expatriation, expatriate management, & “split payrolls”

Both BMS and our other partners in Belgium are used to expatriate employees, notably:

Social Security some expatriates are exonerated from Belgian social security because they have provided a “Certificate of Coverage” from their “Home” social security authorities, but are still taxable in Belgium.

Split Payrolls where a portion of the salary is paid in the “home” country and a portion paid in the Host” country. The full salary should be  declared for social security and tax.

Tax Equalization where the expatriate is guaranteed to not pay more tax and social security in the “Host” country than in the “Home” country. It needs close coordination between the two payroll offices.

HR advice and documentation

  • Recent projects in the HR field have included
  • Questions about a Dutch employee working a substantial amount of time in Belgium,
  • Termination of an employee,
  • Development of a spreadsheet showing employer social charges in Belgium,
  • Background checks,Belgian salary indexation.

HR changes in Belgium effective 1 January 2024.

The maximum notice period for an employee's resignation is now 13 weeks. The notice period has in principle been a maximum of 13 weeks since 1 January 2014. There were still a few exceptions for employees who joined a company before and after 2014. In addition, so-called "senior" and "most senior" employees were , in some cases, required to give more than 13 weeks' notice when they resigned.

The legislator has now eliminated the differences in notice periods for employees: for employees who terminate their employment contract on or after 28 October 2023, the notice period is a maximum of 13 weeks. The minimum notice period for employees remains 1 week unless otherwise agreed contractually. Employer notice periods  -the rules on notice periods for termination by the employer remain unchanged. They range from 1 week for an employee with only 3 months of service, to 65 weeks for an employee with 23 years of service.
Vacation entitlement that is unused can be transferred for up to 24 months in the case of illness or parental leave. Employees can recover their lost paid holiday in case they are on sick leave during their holiday. From 1 January, employees and civilian servants will be able to carry over days of vacation in the event of illness. This means that if you fall ill while on holiday, you will be able to ask for those lost days of holiday back. However, there are some conditions to be observed:

This new measure concerns  only annual vacation . It does not apply to public holidays or non-statutory days.
Next,  you need to notify your employer immediately , just as you would if you were ill on a working day, and have a doctor certify the illness so that he can issue you with a medical certificate.
 When you return to work , you must explicitly ask your employer to postpone your leave. You have until the end of the year to take it, or up to two years in the case of long-term illness. NO EMPLOYER SOCIAL CHARGES FOR THE 1ST EMPLOYEE FOR A NEW COMPANY. To encourage employment and reduce employer costs, a reduction in Employer social charges is being introduced in Belgium. Belgian employer social charges are normally 30-35% of gross remuneration. For a first new hire for a new company from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2020 there is full exemption from employer's social security contributions and there is then a significant reduction for further employees. This concession applies during the entire period of employment, so goes on beyond 2020. This is a major concession and I understand that it applies even for firms that are only registered as Employers in Belgium.
Training right for the employee and obligation for the employer Individual right to training - Since the 2022 employment agreement, an individual right to training has been introduced in Belgium. The number of individual training days per full-time employee will be at least 5 days per year from 2024 for companies with 20 or more employees. A lower number may be set by a collective labor agreement (CLA) at sectoral level, but the minimum is 2 training days per year. Companies with between 10 and 20 employees must provide at least one day of individual training per year for each full-time employee. Companies with fewer than 10 employees do not have an individual training entitlement. Sectors can reduce the number of training days or establish a growth trajectory. You should therefore always examine the rules in your sector carefully.
Companies with at least 20 employees must prepare an annual training plan by 31 March each year. This plan provides employees with an overview of the training programs offered by the employer and indicates the target groups for each of the different training sessions. The plan includes a list of formal and informal training sessions. Employers may use their own model.
Salary indexation Indexation is a system that ensures that salaries are linked to changes in the smoothed health index. In other words, the monthly salary is increased by a certain percentage equal to inflation in the previous calendar year. The indexation system provided for in Joint Committee 200 applies to all employees who are members of this Joint Committee.

The indexation percentage is 1.48%. In practice, this means an increase in gross salaries of 1.48% from 1 January 2024. Indexation of the work from home allowance from December 2023 Employees who work on a structural and regular basis may receive an allowance from their employer. This allowance has been increased from EUR 148.73 to EUR 151.70 per month on 1 December 2023. This amount is a maximum and is exempt from social security contributions and tax.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that a written agreement must be drawn up for homeworkers, in principle at the latest when the worker starts to homework.
Another measure concerning the labor market: from 1 January 2024, employees will have the right to ask their former employer to keep their mobile phone number. When a contract comes to an end, the employee will have the right, within a period of one month following the date of termination of the contract, to request that the number be retained. The former employer will no longer be able to object.

Belgium offers many advantages for your subsidiary or branch:

An open economy

  • one of the world’s top exporters
  • no trade restrictions
  • quick procedures for setting up a new business
  • an new business friendly environment

An ideally situated base to reach out to European consumers

  • over 500 million consumers within a radius of 800 km
  • cultural diversity: an ideal test market for new products
  • close to major production centres and sales markets

A business-friendly tax system

  • tax benefits 

Competitive property prices

  • low property prices compared to neighbouring countries

Easy to reach from Europe and the rest of the world due to

  • excellent infrastructure and connections:
    • excellent transport: extensive road network, seaport and inland ports, airports and railways
  • promotion of intermodal transportation options
  • 1st class telecommunication networks

An International Decision-making Centre

  • with numerous European and international institutions
  • over 2,000 multinationals
  • strong presence of lobby groups, diplomats and press

Excellent workforce

  • high productivity levels
  • highly qualified workers
  • multi-lingual personnel

A knowledge centre

  • first rate universities
  • outstanding research and development centres
  • a place for innovation

Excellent living conditions

  • high standard of living
  • outstanding education system
  • good healthcare
  • a cultural crossroads