Welcome to the HR and

Payroll Provider in Serbia

The Le Cheminant partner for International Payroll & HR for Serbia is one of the leading recruitment and employment services companies in the Balkans Region.
It recruits excellent quality staff and fulfils in full compliance all related HR requirements.

The Le Cheminant International Partner for Serbia and other Balkans countries covers Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Greece Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.

The firm believes it is the one of the few Outsourcing and Recruiting Companies in the region that has a genuine close relation with the candidates.

It accepts the need to lead in Social Responsibility and is 100% set up for Diversity. The company has organized an Employment Equality Index for the Eastern Europe in cooperation with EU Delegation, Council of Europe, British Embassies, The Netherlands Embassies, Embassies of Sweden, and UNDP.


  • The partner company offers competitive and highly efficient headhunting services for key professionals
  • The services is discreet and confidential
  • A vast and regularly updated database of qualified candidates in every industry and at every level
  • We aim to save our clients time and costs in recruitment process and to make sure the right candidate is hired.
  • We only charge by success and there is a 12 months warranty for the services


  • Flexible Personnel levels.
  • Fixed Personnel costs are unchanged
  • No extra costs for personnel search.
  • The firm aims become your trusted business advisor and partner.
  • This allows you to concentrate on the business you know best…your own!
  • HSE and other related trainings.


  • Enabling longer probation period for employees
  • Avoiding placement of start-up employees
  • Company is not obliged to take employees on board
  • Taking qualified candidates on board at any time


  • Training for corporates, individuals, managers, teams, sales teams and other.
  • The training modules are the most innovative on the market and our experts are local or from USA and EU countries…
  • Training modules cover all the industries in our region and lead towards success.

Employer social security costs in Serbia are 15.5% of gross remuneration. These are composed as follows:

  • Employer: Pension and disability insurance: 10%.
  • Health insurance: 5.15%. The employee portion is 20.25%
  • Maximum salary for application of social charges is capped at five times the average monthly salary published by official statistics in Serbia at the moment of salary payment. This is (2022) RSD5,293,680 per year (about US$48,500).